Arcane Legends Wiki


How to farm Gold is a fundamental part of Arcane Legends gameplay, below you can find various ways to farm Gold. As well as bonus tips, notes & videos.

We highly recommend you level up as much as you can before focusing on making Gold, but you may consider these methods on your journey to capping.

Once capped, you'll most likely want to farm Gold using a Gold Loot Set in the highest level map.

At the time of updating this (24/09/23), the best place to farm is the Arcane Catacombs; it offers substantial Gold, while also offering good loot, such as Power Stones, the Immortal Shackle, and more...

But again, if you get bored of all that, you can try some of the methods detailed below.


Level 5 - Merch

This is when you can start making gold. Refer to the videos below for help doing this.

Level 10 - Arcane Weapon Chest.

Farm this in any NORMAL Kraag map. The chest is extremely rare so do expect to loot it, and the price may be less than 10m. Use a Speed Set for the most effective runs.

Level 10 - Jewel Farming in The Hauntlet

Not recommended but if you really want to try then use Magma, or a Speed Pet if you can. Enable your Pet to prefer loot over combat. Clear the first room, press "Quit to Menu" then press "Allies", "Quests", then the Daily Quest that takes you to The Hauntlet. Use a Speed Set for effective runs.

Level 40 - Elite Kraken Isles

This is the easiest of the three Elite Maps that people farm. Kill the boss, use Luck, try to loot the Elite Golden Pirate Chest.

Level 45 - Elite Nordr

This is similar to Kraken, although contains ice which will freeze you so be cautious. Kill the boss, use Luck, try to loot the Elite Golden Warchest.

Level 50 - Warped Fable Daily Quest

This Quest is unlocked at L50, it gives you 10 Fable Coins once completed, use 70 Fable Coins for a chance to loot a Precise Jewel, Finesse, Mind, or Fury Precise Jewels sell for around 10,000,000g.

Level 60 - Elite Shuyal

This is the best option out of the three Elite maps that people enjoy farming the most, but it is also the hardest. You can try it at an earlier level if you are with friends and it's easier when with or using a Mage. Kill the boss, use Luck, try to loot the Elite Golden Puzzlebox, and also keep an eye out for the Archon Ring and Twilight Chest.

Level 66 - Nightmare Zone/Mausoleum

Best to do this during 2x Nightmare Loot day, not doing so may result in no profit. I am unsure what the best drops from the boss are but you can loot L66 Set items.

Level 71 - Get Carried in Hydra/Orrick

Orrick is the best option, it drops Ebon Armor. Hydra drops Ebon Helmet. Using Luck here may work but there is no evidence to suggest it does.

Level 76 - Grind Hydra/Orrick

Orrick is the best option, it drops Ebon Armor. Hydra drops Ebon Helmet. Using Luck here may work but there is no evidence to suggest it does. You can also loot Raid Coins semi-frequently, and Mireguard Artifacts from Orrick (unsure about Hydra).

Level 76 - Elite Mausoleum

Use Gold Loot and wait for Warrior to take aggro, search for Treasure Room.

Level 79 - Get Carried in Zodias

Once you reach this level you'll be able to join L81's. Use Equipment that has a Gold Loot Awakening Enhancement.

Level 81 - Grind Zodias effectively

Elite Rahabkor is the best option. Use the Zaarus Set and Equipment that has a Gold Loot Awakening Enhancement.


  • Making Gold with a Party is better.
  • Bosses spawn without killing all enemies.
  • Use Forums, Discord, and observe the Auction House when Merching for the best and most risk-free investments.
  • Player: Encryptions - "Lv 5 merching isn't possible due to being new = broke. Arcane weapon chest is absurdly hard to loot. Jewel farming is a lv 76-81 thing. Krak islands and nordr is more of a lv 76 thing. Fable quest is ultra rare to get a good jewel. Nightmare zone at 66 is going to cost you more gold to farm than it will make you. Hydra / orrick farming for ebon is similar to arc chest, friend killed orrick over 3000 times to loot 1 ebon item. Something I would suggest is get to level 81-86 by following the story quest line in order then focus on buying some gold loot items with the gold you have saved via quests maps events which 300gl should only cost at most 1mil. Use the gl to farm normal rahab / zodias maps with people who carry you, get a speed set farm events people carry you. Op gear is the last thing a new player needs to focus on."
  • If you just read that and still need help then message Enc in-game, they won't mind so long as you ask them what you want to know, instead of wasting time. ; )


Most of the game does not contain good loot.



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How to Merch in AL -1 - Arcane Legends Gameplay




Arcane Legends How to Merch Using Auction Manipulation -shorts


How to Make Gold in Arcane Legends Using Alternate Characters-2


A Short Visit to the Auction House - How to Merch in Arcane Legends
