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Arcane Legends Wiki


The Occupy Windmoore Event usually occurs once per year, usually in November! It is NOT an Energy based Event, so you can run it endlessly without needing Energy. The objective is to find and kill the Jarl of Windmoore and take his loot.


Form a Party with your Friends, split into two teams, use Haste Sets, pull the enemies into each corner of the map, eliminate both squads with each team respectively, then rush to the end.

You may want to loot all the Chests, if that is the case, you'll sacrifice runs per hour, and your team will need to stick together. It also helps if everyone in the party knows to kill the enemies first before looting the Chests, as those with Gold Loot sets such as Avarice will probably die, affecting overall runs per hour.

When fighting the Jarl, prioritise Luck over Gold Loot, as he doesn't tend to drop much Gold.

How to make Gold

Use your alternate characters to collect Elixirs, stash them (if possible). If that isn't possible, you should consider completing the Quest on your main character at least then hope you'll get lucky!

Simply opening the Chests whilst using Gold Loot enhanced items will generate you an admirable amount of gold if you have very little. However comparative to Elite Sunken Fleet, we can expect it to not be as good.

Purchasing the Slots that are looted for a cheap price is a good idea, as they will rise in price with 100% certainty later on in the new year.


More info here:!-Occupy-Windmoore-2022!!



Occupy Windmoore Event Preview 2022! -D Arcane Legends
