Arcane Legends Wiki



The Rogue is one of three playable classes in AL. The Rogue class is a fun damage dealer, though she has significantly weaker armor and health compared to the Warrior class. Rogues will expect to use quite a bit of health potions in tight situations. Thus, Rogues will have to play smart and run strategically with other classes.

Although the Rogue is generally lacking in survivability, her strong suit is dealing high damage over a short period of time. The Rogue's preferred skill is dexterity (DEX), boosting dodge and critical hit chance. The primary duty of the Rogue is to deal damage.

Rogue's skills in general have fast cooldown. Charged skill deals +25% damage in total but charging takes 1s. Therefore, rogues do not charge damage skills in general.


The Rogues of Arlor are all female, unlike Warriors, who are male. They wear sleek clothes. They wear light Armor, flourishing either a bow or double daggers. In the main sprite, the rogue wears a long green shirt, no pants, a belt with a golden ring.

Primary Skills[]


Skills provide players a variety of ways to play the game, whether it be for damage output or for health. Each skill requires 1 skill point to unlock. After the skill is unlocked, a total of 4 upgrades can be made.

Shadow Piercer Shadow Piercer (SP)[]

Skill Description: Burst through the air in shadowy form, performing a brutal strike against your opponent.

Upon Use: (32.5+ lv *2.5) mana, 2 sec. cooldown. 16m range. Deals (1.36-1.7)X damage to target enemy. (Uncharged Shadow Piercer deals (2.8-3.4)X damage instead.)

  • Gouging Rush: Shadow Piercer now has a 15% chance to reduce the target’s armor by 10% for 7 sec.
    • Perk - [Shadow Snare] Shadow Piercer also reduces target speed by 10% for 7 sec. (requires level 20 and Gouging Rush)
    • Perk - [Pierce Armor] Shadow Piercer reduces target armor by an additional 5% (total of 15%) for 7 sec. (requires level 20 and Gouging Rush)
  • Shadow Absorption: Shadow Blade has a 75% chance of healing you for 10% of your total health.
    • Perk - [Shadow Healing] Increase amount healed to 15% of total health. (requires level 40 and Shadow Absorption)
    • Perk - [Shadow Mana] Shadow Piercer also restores 10% of total mana. (requires level 40 and Shadow Absorption)
  • Rising Death: Causes you to deliver multiple low damage hits(3 hits, 0.08x damage each) to your target after coming out of a normal Shadow Piercer attack.
    • Perk - [Final Flourish] Increase amount of damage done (0.125x damage each) at the end of Shadow Piercer. (requires level 60 and Rising Death)
    • Perk - [Final Flurry] Increase the number of attacks (5 hits) performed at the end of Shadow Piercer. (requires level 60 and Rising Death)
  • Leading Dagger: Charged Shadow Piercer can now hit up to 3 enemies.
    • Perk - [Killing Quartet] Charged Shadow Piercer can now hit up to 4 enemies. (requires level 80 and Leading Dagger)
    • Perk - [Crippling Slice] Target hit by Shadow Piercer loses 10% critical hit chance for 7 sec. (requires level 80 and Leading Dagger)

Masteries: Shadow Piercer heals for (0.5*rank)% of players max health. (Stacking)

Aimed Shot Aimed Shot (AS)[]

Skill Description: Focus your aim on a single target and unleash a powerful ranged bow attack.

Upon Use: (27+ lv*1.95) mana, 2 sec. cooldown. 14m range. Deals (2.13-3.9)x damage to target enemy.

  • Accuracy: Increases the damage dealt by Aimed Shot by 10%. (2.34-4.3x damage)
    • Perk - [Hunter's Focus] Aimed Shot deals damage to targets in a 4m impact area (max 3 targets). (requires level 20 and Accuracy)
    • Perk - [Thief's Focus] Aimed Shot leeches 2& of target health on impact. (requires level 20 and Accuracy)
  • Critical Shot: Increases the damage dealt by a critical Aimed Shot by 66%, from 150% to 250% damage.
    • Perk - [Trained Killer] Increase critical damage of Aimed Shot by 75%. (262.5%) (requires level 40 and Critical Shot)
    • Perk - [Giant Killer] Aimed Shot does 10% more damage to bosses. (requires level 40 and Critical Shot)
  • Deadly Focus: Your critical hit chance is increased by 10% for 5 sec after using Aimed Shot.
    • Perk - [Killing Calm] Aimed Shot gives the caster an additional 5% critical hit chance. (requires level 60 and Deadly Focus)
    • Perk - [Shredding Shot] Aimed Shot also buffs critical damage by 5% for 5 sec. (requires level 60 and Deadly Focus)
  • Shatter Armor: Aimed Shot now reduces the target's armor by 15% for 5 seconds.
    • Perk - [Fastener Focus] Reduce target armor by 20% for 5 sec. (requires level 80 and Shatter Armor)
    • Perk - [Hamstring Hit] Reduce target movement speed by 20% for 5 sec. (requires level 80 and Shatter Armor)

Masteries: Reduces the mana cost of Aimed Shot by (2*rank)%.

Razor Shield Razor Shield (RS)[]

Upon Use: (32.5+ lv*2.46) mana, 20-second cool-down, 3-meter range, (0.48-0.6)x damage every second for 5 seconds.

  • Whirling Razors: Increase dodge by 20% while Razor Shield is active.
  • Bleeding Cuts: Charging Razor Shield will grant a 25% chance to cause the target to bleed for 5 seconds.
  • Increased Duration: Razor Shield will stay active for an additional 3 seconds.
  • Spinning Freedom: Charging Razor Shield will remove all snare, root, and slow effects from the caster.

Noxious Bolt Noxious Bolt (NB)[]

Upon Use: (27+ lv*1.97) mana, 2-second cool-down, 14-meter range, (1.36-1.7)x damage, poison damage (0.3x, ignore armor) every second for 3 seconds.

  • Lingering Poison: Adds 3 seconds to the duration of poison damage.
  • Strengthening Shot: Increases the impact area of a charged Noxious Bolt to 6 meters.
  • Fragmentation: Each second a target is damaged by Noxious Bolt’s poison, they receive an additional 10% damage. (0.33x damage)
  • Serrated Arrowhead: Impact damage for each Noxious Bolt is increased by 15%.

Entangling Trap Entangling Trap (ET)[]

Upon Use: 21.5 mana, 10-second cool-down, 0.25-meter range.

  • Adept Construction: After creating an Entangling Trap, you have a 20% chance of being able to immediately create another one.
  • Razor Wire: Enemies that go through your trap will receive bleeding damage over time. (0.25x damage per second for 5s)
  • Combustion Tank: Each Entangling Trap that is triggered by an enemy will explode upon decay, dealing high damage to enemies within range of it. (0.6x damage)
  • Net Retraction: Each trap that you deploy has a 20% chance of casting out a net that pulls targets within range of it.

Shadow Storm Shot Shadow Storm Shot (SSS)[]

Upon Use: 32 mana, 5-second cool-down, 14-meter range, 6-8 damage + increased damage on critical.

  • Spreading Shadow: Increase the radius of the shadow storm shot to 6 meters
  • Shadow Focus: Increase damage on a critical by 25%
  • Dark Damage: Increases damage of shadow storm by 15%
  • Shadow Touch: Increases the maximum number of targets hit by a charged shadow storm shot by 2.

Shadow Veil Shadow Veil (SV)[]

Upon Use: 21.5 mana, 20-second cool-down, 0.25-meter range, enemies within the smoke have reduced damage and hit chance.

  • Masked Presence: Staying in your Shadow Veil bomb’s smoke will increase any armor by 20%. This buff also applies to any ally of yours that stands in the smoke.
  • Combusting Decay: Causes your Shadow Veil bomb to explode once its smoke has run out.
  • Shadow Absorption: While in the shadow veil you and your allies will do an extra 15% damage.
  • Lingering Fumes: Adds 3 seconds to the duration of your Shadow Veil bomb’s smoke.

Combat Medic Combat Medic (CM)[]

Upon Use: 24.5 mana, 15-second cool-down, throw down healing packs that restore 25% health when picked up.

  • Effective Packs: Increases the amount of damage that each pack heals up to 15%.
  • Trauma Surgeon: Charged Combat Medic will provide a self-heal for the caster.
  • Extra Packs: Increase the number of packs created when using Combat Medic by 1.
  • Good Medicine: The charged version of Combat Medic will add heal-over-time benefits to the target.






Ultimates are skills designed to help with endgame maps, so they are only unlocked after reaching level 67. Because of their sheer power, ultimates have a long cooldown. The player also cannot have multiple ultimates.

Each ultimate requires 10 skill points to unlock.

Ultimate Aimed Shot Ultimate Aimed Shot (UAS)[]

  • Unleash a sequence of 3 deadly arrrows on your enemy, stirking for up to (30-75)x damage.

Medicinal herb Medicinal Herb[]

  • Medicinal herb grants 15% Boss Damage and regenerates 20% health every second for 15 seconds. The Rogue is invulnerable for 2 seconds after ingesting the herb.

Refuel Refuel[]

  • The Rogue and all allies receive 100% movement speed and 15% mitigation for 15 seconds.


Max rank for each passive is 5.

Passive Armor Durable[]

  • Permanently increase your aromor value by (1*rank)%.

Critical Shot Critical Shot[]

  • Permanently increase your critical chance by (0.6*rank)%

Damage Damage[]

  • Permanently increase your damage value by (0.5*rank). This value is scaled by stat bonus damage % and additional damage % modifiers.

Haste Haste[]

  • Permanently increase your haste by (0.5*rank)%. (reduce skill cooldown)

Agility Agility[]

  • Permanently increase your dexterity stat by +(5*rank)

Knowledge Knowledge[]

  • Permanently increase your intelligence stat by +(5*rank)

Agility Agility[]

  • Permanently increase your Strength stat by +(5*rank)

Quickness Quickness []

  • Permanently increase your movement speed by (1*rank)%

Gold Loot Gold Loot []

  • Permanently increase your gold loot by (1*rank)%. This value is affected by additional gold llot % modifiers.

Focus Loot Foucs Loot []

  • Permanently increase your focused loot chance by (1*rank)%

Pick-up Radius Pick-Up Radius []

  • Permanently increase your pick-up radius by (0.4*rank)m

Pet XP Pet XP []

  • Permanently increase your Pet XP by (2*rank)%.




See Rogue PVP & PVE Builds for more info:

  • Rogue PVP Builds
  • Rogue PVE Builds


Skill and ultimate details like mana usage, damage and healing effects are all dependant on the player's level and equipment.

Rogue Ultimates require a significant buff.

